Friday, May 22, 2020
Christianity Changes in the Nicene Creed to Combat Heresies
Christianity is a very unique religion. It, unlike many of the worlds major religions, places a great emphasis on having the correct beliefs and interpretations of religious doctrines. Being a much more societal religion than many others, Christianity in its early years found that it was important to have every follower have the same understanding of the cardinal beliefs that it preaches. The story of the bible is a very complex one, as compared to other religions. The statement of beliefs of the other Abrahamic religions are all relatively short. They do not rely so heavily on scripture as Christianity does, and therefore there s no need for a comprehensive statement of belief that covers all major events and definitions (Johnson 9).†¦show more content†¦One of the major heresies that was put to rest by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD was Sebellianism, or more commonly known as Moadalism. The movement of Sebellianism was brought on by Sabellius, a theologian and priest from the third century. Sabellius most likely taught in Rome around the time he first started writing about Moadalism, and little did he know, his questioning of the true nature, or mode, of God would be one of the most common forms of theological errors in the entire Christian faith. In a very basic sense, Moadalism is a denial of the Holy Trinity. Moadalism states that God is a single person, who has revealed himself in three different forms throughout early Christian history. During the time of the Old Testament, God revealed himself as the Father, and was the subject of most of the Old Testament stories. God revealed himself as the Son at the time of the incarnation, and as the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Jesus. The Moadalistic belief continues to state that none of these forms can exist at the same time. They occurred continuously and seamlessly without overlap (Lang 60). Moadalism denies a major pillar of Christianity by completely rejecting the Trinitarian belief that G od is one being that is the Father, the Son, and the HolyShow MoreRelatedThe Nicene Creed Essay1645 Words  | 7 PagesThe Nicene Creed is the creed or profession of faith that was adopted in the city of Nicaea by the first ecumenical council, which met there in the year 325. At that time, the text ended after the words We believe in the Holy Spirit, after which an anathema was added. The doctrine of the Trinity is commonly expressed as: One God, three Persons†, but this word Trinity does not appear in the Bible. So the doctrine is formally defined in the Nicene Creed, which declares Jesus to be: God of GodRead MoreThe, The Roman Empire, And Councils Of The Early Church1925 Words  | 8 PagesArius, the Roman Empire, and Councils of the Early Church Christianity came to a crossroads during the fourth century. Previously, there had been gaps in Church teaching, and so some people began to fill those gaps. One of those people was Arius. Arius was born in 256 A.D. in Libya, but moved to Alexandria, Egypt and became a presbyter there. He began to teach about Jesus as a creature created by God the Father, and so therefore not God. This was seen by many early Christians as a possibilityRead MoreThe Rise Of The Century King Cyrus And Emperor Constantine1302 Words  | 6 PagesKing Cyrus and Emperor Constantine you will discover that these to historical leaders dramatically influenced the change of direction for Judaism and Christianity. There are some scholars who would argue that these to ruler’s conversion to god was not sincere and they were just political masterminds. Either way Cyrus and Constantine are two central figures in Judaism and Christianity, two of the world’s major organized religions. Cyrus and C onstantine took over many lands and built their huge empiresRead MoreThe Rise Of The Century King Cyrus And Emperor Constantine1305 Words  | 6 PagesKing Cyrus and Emperor Constantine you will discover that these two historical leaders dramatically influenced the change of direction for Judaism and Christianity. There are some scholars who would argue that these two ruler’s conversions to god was not sincere and they were just political masterminds. Either way Cyrus and Constantine are two central figures in Judaism and Christianity, two of the world’s major organized religions. Cyrus and Constantine took over many lands and built their huge empires
Saturday, May 9, 2020
History of Nursing - 595 Words
University of Phoenix Material History of Nursing Research Worksheet There have been many influential publications, agencies, and people in the field of nursing research. Write 1–3 sentences in each cell of the table below to describe the importance, goal, or influence of each item. |Publications |First publication date and importance: | |Nursing Research |Firstpublished:1952 | | |Importance: To be available to all nurses no matter where they were | |†¦show more content†¦| | |(Burns Grove, 2006) | |Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice |First published: 1987 | | |Importance: This journal focuses on specific issues important to | | |improving nursing. | | |(Burns Grove, 2006) | |Applied Nursing Research |First published: 1988 | | |Importance: This publication presents original, peer-reviewed | | |research findings clearly and directly for clinical applications in | | |all nursingShow MoreRelatedHistory of Nursing1240 Words  | 5 PagesHistory of Nursing Worksheet NUR433 April 23, 2012 University of Phoenix Material History of Nursing Research Worksheet There have been many influential publications, agencies, and people in the field of nursing research. Write 1–3 sentences in each cell of the table below to describe the importance, goal, or influence of each item. |Publications |First publication date and importance: | |Nursing ResearchRead MoreThe History of Nursing Essay817 Words  | 4 PagesThe History of Nursing Many people believe that Nursing started with Florence Nightingale, however nursing itself dates back to the beginnings of motherhood when nurses were traditionally female. In fact, nursing and medicine have been closely intertwined throughout the ages. The history of nursing has its origins in the care of infants and children, so all mothers were in fact nurses. Gradually an evolution started developing into dedicated caregivers who practiced the art. In fact, nursing hasRead MoreLearning The History Of Nursing1505 Words  | 7 Pages Learning the history of nursing is vital in understanding nursing today. How Florence Nightingale changed the history of nursing? Why there is more female than male nurses? Why nurses were considered subordinate to physician? Why the contribution of physicians received more recognition than nurses? Why Filipino nurses is abundance in the United States hospitals? This paper would discuss the part of history of nursing that answered those above questi on. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Florence NightingaleRead MoreEvolution / History Of Nursing848 Words  | 4 Pages Evolution/History of Nursing --- Dorothea Dix Approximately one in five adults experience mental illness in a given year in the United States (Mental Health By the Numbers, n.d.). Adequate mental health care is extremely important to the general well being of the world’s population, and therefore should be focused on in nursing. Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) was crucial in increasing the quality of care given to the mentally ill in jails and asylums. She saw that poor people with mental illnessesRead MoreThe History of Nursing Science1076 Words  | 4 Pagespinpoint the roots of nursing. The motivations and concerns that underlie the nursing practice care, compassion, the need to ensure the health and happiness of others seem hardwired into our human nature, and have expressed themselves in a multitude of ways throughout human history, from mothers tending to their sick children to soldiers caring for their wounded brothers on the battlefield. But nursing science, the body of knowledge that has both arisen from and informe d the nursing profession as we nowRead MoreThe History Of Nursing Practice1613 Words  | 7 PagesThe history of nursing is fundamentally the foundation of nursing today. Historical nursing leaders have paved the way for our nurses in the 21st century by their views, dedication, and achievements. Not only have these leaders paved the way for nursing as a profession, but they have also instilled historical changes in health care and in our society overall. The current definition of nursing today is â€Å"the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness andRead MoreHistory of Chinese Nursing1534 Words  | 7 PagesHistory of Nursing in China SUNY Delhi NURS-300: Professional Issues of nursing June 11, 2011 Abstract The history of nursing in China did not start until the 19th century. Modern nursing was introduced into China as part of the westernization in to Chinese culture. In this paper I will discuss the Chinese philosophy on religion and various treatments. I will discuss the Leninger transcultural model and how it relates to Chinese culture. The Chinese culture continues to influence American cultureRead MoreThe History of Nursing Worksheet961 Words  | 4 PagesPublications First publication date and importance to nursing research: Nursing Research First published: 1952 (Burns Grove, 2011). Importance: The Nursing Research Journal was published to provide a â€Å"basis for nursing practice†(Burns Grove, 2011). The Nursing Journal published research data, which have become the cornerstone of nursing care standards. Sigma Theta Tau Journal published by this organization is now called Imageâ€â€The Journal of Nursing Scholarship First published: 1967 (Burns GroveRead MoreThe History Of Nursing And Its Practices1547 Words  | 7 PagesThe history of nursing and its practices are very historic and can be noted that it started at the beginning of human life. Prior to the Greek and Roman times, ancient Egyptians are credited to have created over 700 therapeutic therapies that were used for multiple health concerns. The advancements continued but were quickly stopped after the Roman Empire was conquered and the Dark Ages had begun. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Idea of Progressivism Free Essays
The idea of Progressivism came with the belief that society was capable of improvement and that continued growth and advancement were the destiny of this great nation. The muckrakers were among the first people to promote this new and profound nationalistic spirit. Many were persuasive and crusading journalists who began to direct public attention and discretion toward the political, social, and economic injustices of the US during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We will write a custom essay sample on The Idea of Progressivism or any similar topic only for you Order Now They strove to expose scandal and corruption to the American public. Ellen Fitzpatrick†s Muckraking: Three Landmark Articles, presents famous articles by Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, and Ray Stannard Baker which appeared in the January, 1903 edition of McClure†s Magazine. The articles examine political corruption, the emergence and behavior of giant corporations, and labor racketeering in industrial America. The article by Lincoln Steffens mostly focused on the problems and examples of corruption, as well as the challenge of reform. Steffens began to develop a somewhat paradoxical view of good and evil in city politics at a young age (Fitzpatrick, 20). This frame of mind led to his views in the article, The Shame of Minneapolis. The intertwined processes of urbanization, industrialization and immigration meant that American cites mushroomed in the late nineteenth century. â€Å"The city†became an increasingly complex organism, which required sanitation, water, building codes, zoning regulations, policing. But as the city administration expanded, so did opportunities to misuse government power. Throughout, the Progressive period calls for electoral reform and/or increased â€Å"efficiency†and â€Å"scientific management†in municipal affairs were paired with revelations of corruption in municipal politics and policing. Steffens agreed with these reforms all along as well as political thieve! Tarbell is using an historical example to illustrate the use of trusts and holding companies by entrepreneurs seeking monopoly control of various industrial sectors in the United States with her article, The Oil War of 1872. As Tarbell hints in this article, despite the failure of the South Improvement Company, John D. Rockefeller eventually succeeded in dominating the petroleum industry through the Standard Oil Company. Rockefeller pioneered the â€Å"trust†form of organization when he founded the Standard Oil Trust in 1879. Standard Oil became, along with Andrew Carnegie†s U. S. Steel, the most notorious of the powerful â€Å"trusts,†a term that came to be applied to all large industrial combinations whether or not they followed the formal â€Å"trust†model of investing. Rockefeller eventually built the largest private fortune in the United States and became perhaps the prototypical Gilded Age â€Å"robber baron,†reviled for his ruthless business practices. The federal government successful! ly prosecuted Standard Oil for monopolistic practices in 1906, and the trust was forced to disband. In a sense, this was the exact outcome Ida Tarbell was aiming for in writing this article. â€Å"She presented the â€Å"facts†of the oil scandal as she had come to understand them, believing that an objective account would best serve the evidence†(Fitzpatrick, 27). Many wondered, however, if Tarbell was prejudice toward big business. Nevertheless, Tarbell most likely just believed in fair play, taught to her by her father who was one of the men who resisted the Southern Improvement Company. Ray Stannard Baker†s article, The Right to Work, relates to the 1902 anthracite coal strike in Pennsylvania that lasted over five months. The miners wanted the mine owners to recognize their new union, the United Mine Workers of America but the owners refused to bargain with the UMW. The miners were also looking for a 10-20% increase in wages and an eight-hour work. As the winter of 1902-03 approached, President Roosevelt ordered the mine owners and UMW president to the White House to negotiate. When the mine owners still refused to compromise, Roosevelt told the owners that if they did not agree to arbitration, he would send 10,000 federal troops to seize their property and get the mines working. Previously, federal troops had only been called in to support the management side in labor disputes. The very surprised mine owners agreed to arbitration and the miners eventually went back to work with a10% increase and a nine-hour day. Although he enjoyed a public reputation as a ! â€Å"trust buster†fighting powerful capitalists on behalf of less affluent Americans, Roosevelt was not in favor of getting rid of the trusts and large corporations. He believed that large-scale capitalism brought prosperity and efficiency to the American economy. The job of the federal government was to police or regulate big business to stop the worst misuses of power. The mine owners, in Roosevelt†s view, were abusing their power and they were threatening the well-being of Americans who needed coal to heat their homes. Roosevelt†s handling of the coal strike was very popular with ordinary Americans, Baker in particular. Conclusively, these articles give the reader a broad understanding of the nature of â€Å"Progressivism. †Each of the issues presented in the three articles points out particular flaws of American society in the early 1900s. They are brought forward to the public in a manner such that people will realize these flaws and strive to change them, â€Å"progress†forward, and improve the nation. As a result, the muckrakers including Steffens, Tarbell, and Baker, played a big part in Progressivism. In my opinion, the Progressives approached these attempted social reforms just right. They were not too radical or too conservative. This is evident in how much society changed in that period for the better, and the condition of our society today for that matter. If people such as the muckrakers had not attempted to reform the nation, who knows where it would be today. They must have done something right so I would conclude that they achieved their goals just right. How to cite The Idea of Progressivism, Papers
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